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Thursday 21 February 2013

It hurt

Hi and Assalamualaikum. Dunia ni tk adilkan? Semua org ada someone yg blh die crte something. I mean kwn baik, family or maybe gf/bf die. tpi knpe bella tkblh dpt smua tu? Bella pun manusia. klau manusia mesti ada perasaan kan. but no one cares bout me.No one wanna know my story. Its hurt seriously. Bila kwn bella yg lain ada masalah mesti sfmua org nk dgr crta die. maybe sebab die tunjuk sdh die and bella tk. Dpn semua org bella ketawa. mcm org yg takde mslh. tpi inside Allah je yg thu. no one cant and wont understand me. maybe lgi bgs klau bella tkwjd dkt dunia ni kan. but actually i dont really care bout that. bcause wlaupun bella ada family, kwn and etc i just live alone in this big world. for 5 year i live like this since drjh 4 till form 2. alasan semua org ignore, sbb bella dh bsr. nmpk sgt bella ni tkpntng pun kan. nvm. i already know. and klau ada org yg ambk brt psl awak, please hrgai die. susah nk cri org yg btl2 care psl kite ni. bye for now. start new day with smile. even you cant just try it. because one smile can hide million tears. :')

Monday 18 February 2013

They bring me happiness.

Hi and Assalamualaikum. Something dtg dlm fkran Bellla. So better write before terlupa. Well dh sebulan Bella tktgr kwn Bella yg dh pndh kls i mean dieorg yg tktgr Bella. Pindah kelas bkn sekolah. Serious tkfhm. Agak sedih k. Org ckp biasalha tu people change. But me? seriously skt pun tkbrbh. Annoying mcm tulh. jahat mcm tulha. baik mcm tulha.Why i cant change myself then. hurm. but its just i miss the old them.i mean Nazatul, Ariff, Emy, Farhanim seriously i miss the old you you you and you. Sokay. Maybe yuolls change for goodness. and maybe it bring you happiness. well im happy if you happy. Oh and yeah, bella ada mention yg bella ni forever alone. But watching all sweet and happy couple make me jealous.and yeah, kwn bella pun semua nya ada soulmate. k jealous sgt.hurm take it positive. Natasha, Ila,Shahir and yeah org yg aku fkr akn dpt soulmate lgi lmbt dri bella pun dh ada soulmate. well maybe its not time for me? ehh. serious ni? k sntap. i hope one day i will meet you mate. i hope so. but actually haha not so important to have a soulmate. but being alone is bored.i only can share my story to my bear that always beside me. lolwhat. haha nvm. ill find one. just give me support. lolwhat. knpe nk support bgai. nah. Friends i happy if yuolls happy. i smile when yuolla smile. i smile when i hurt. let me give you some swag

annoying gile muke. anak sape lha ni. haha swagg. 
#bnyk typo sorrryyyy.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Lost In Love

Hi and Assalamulaikum. 

Well, sedar tk sedar, its February >.< k pntsnyee masa right ? :) 

And dh bnyk gile bnde yg jdi k. seriously, semua yg jdi too fast! I wish I can turn back time. but its impossible. 

K nak crite ni, aku ada crush. maybe aku pernah mention sblm ni, or maybe tak. NS. tu first alphabet dia. and yeah, aku pun tkthu knpe aku suka dia. and one thing, aku tkknl pun dia sape. well, aku tknk pun ada crush ni tpii SALAHKAN NAT! k Nat yg buat aku kenal dia. and yeah, klau tk aku tkknl pun dia. nak mrh tpi knpe ? right? hurm nvm. dh jdi dh pun. and and and bila aku dh knl dia, dia pulak dh nk pindh bagai. malang k malang. haaa so what, dia nk prgi belajar biar dia lha. k lost in love sekejap bila dia tetiba hilang. it hurt. :/ not that much actually. gedik je. 

And and and disebabkan dia pindah, so terasa alone -,- . and and i dont know what is love. what is crush. what is boyfie. what is ex. seriously, lost k lost. err someone ask me to stop waiting for him.. im not waiting for him. I just wait for my real, truth soul-mate. i repeat IM NOT WAITING FOR HIM. no k no. Jgn ckp aku batak sgt dkt dia k. Yelha. bukan tk ska dia dh, tpi  dia crush je. ada org ckp, crush is always crush. tklbh. so dont waste your time. k fhm :/ and and being alone is much better. but but but watching too many couples in front me, make me feel awkward. seriously. why, because im alone lolwhat. kwan aku semuaaaaaaaaaaa nye ada mate. k serious jealous :/ nah. not that much. lolwhat. errrr. nk nk nk nk relay yg long last. :/ k sbb tu aku kne tunggu right ? kfhm :) nvm. I'll wait for HIM. although I dont know HIM for now :) wish me luck ! 


Saturday 26 January 2013


Hi and Assalamulaikum. 

k nk cite ni. bella terbaca ni

"Take any moment as a serious moment." k tetibe teringt dkt someone yg selalu igtkan bella. die ckp

'when we young, everyone tell "dont be so serious" "dont take it too serious"
and when we grow up all change "take it serious" "please be serious" 
masa kecik, no serious problem, no serious friendship, no serious love, no such as thing that you take so serious. but it change after you enter secondary school. dkt situ mula lha life sebenar kite. semua berubah. everything gonna be serious. serious problemssss. serious friendship. serious relay. everything serious. klau time ni kite still main2, trust me, smpai bile2 kite akn jdi mcm tu. masa kecik, takde org benci kite, tpi bila kite dh bsr, mesti ada org yg akn bnci kite walaupun kite tkbuat slh dgn die. and bile kite dh besar, semakin rmai org yg kite knl. cube sukakan semua org walaupun die menyakitkan hati, sbb nti die lha org yg akn tlg kite kalau kite susah. so bella igt, kau dh form 2, take everything serious. belajar kne serious. jgn main2. bkn sekarang masa nk main2. take care of yourself. remember take everything serious. lupekan skt pasal korea2 ni okay? luck life. anyeong =D' 

k lepas baca ni, my tears drop. k full story die mcm ni, ni best friend bella. close friend bella. die baik sgt2. die ada penyakit, die kne operate. before  operation, die ckp ni dkt bella. k seriously touched. :'( die still dkt hospital. die koma dh 2 bulan. tpi dgr crite die dh sdr, tpi die still tkblh bgn. sian die. :/ pray die get well cpt k. :D

Wednesday 16 January 2013

The Distance

Hi and Assalamulaikum. 

Dh berhabuk dh blog ni.. fuh fuh ~ *tiup habuk. 

lama tk update >.< al-maklumlha bdk rajin kan , mesti lha belajar je, tksmpt nk update2 ni.. haha >.< perasan k perasan. 

oh yea, prnh tgk crte Uncle Usin tk ? alah crite lama tu ? crite tu mngrtkan, tahpape. tgk ke tktgk ke tkksh pun, bukan ada kne mngna pun >.<

okay prnh tgk crta Istanbul Aku Datang dgn Jauh ? okay. crite tu bgithu kita, cinta jarak jauh tkkn brjaya. so kalau nk cri soul mate tu , cri yg dkt2 je. bukan tkpercaya dkt mate, tpi kadang2 bukan mate kita yg buat hal tpi org yg ada dkt dgn dia tu. although org tu kwn kita or kwn baik kite, still tkblh 100% percaya. trust me. 

and crte tu bgithu kita, ulang bnde yg same, and the ending still the same. so perlu ke ulang ? nah. dont waste your time. if dh break , then end it! jgn couple balik. seriously its hurt. terasa diri mate kita dh berubah. trust me. 

so first, cinta jarak jauh tkkn brhsl. cri soul mate yg dkt dgn kita. 
second , jgn couple dgn ex blk. if dia ex kita. sampai bila ex. so move on ! move forward ! dont turn back !! >.< 

Sometimes the right person for you was there all along. You just didn't see it because the wrong one was blocking the sight. 

Thursday 10 January 2013


Hi and Assalamulaikum. 

Omg Omg Omg ! its 2013 already >.< . 14 dhh aku eh blm lgi lhaa. 13 lagi k. :P

azam baru aku nk cri crush baru. okno -_- tkde kje btll. haha azam bru nk bljr elok2. nk jdi budak BAIK#mcmtkje. 

oh yeah, ckp psl crush nk jgk crite pasal crush aku for 2013 niii. huu crush je lha kan. nk cri boyfiee takde org nk. okay ini sakai. 

oh yeah 2013 ni aku dpt 5 crush. okay ke-sakai-an terlampau. haha crush jeeee. first, crush lame. second , ammar lolololo. third, yusuf kyaaa >.< forth nabil wuuuu >.< and last takthu name tpi die ensem!! kalau tgk mesti melting 

tgk niii... okay nmpk yg first 3 tu ? okay itu mereka. comel kan ? tahu dhh >.< melting leteww haha. 

Tuesday 18 December 2012


Hi and Assalamulaikum people. 

Lama tk update weeheee takda cerita maaa. heeee. oh it almost 2013. omg what your wish for 2013 ? haha. me ? forget the past , make new life. yeah, maybe i can forget the past and maybe not. nvm, try dulu kan. okay stop talking bout that. 

oh bru-2 ni , semalam kot, or kelmarin , haihh lupe sudah nvm takberape nk pntng pun tarikh tu , kiteorg (me , nat, shahir, ila) hang out. omg seriously best. crite ini itu , mngmpt sna sni . mngmpt ? ehh tklha insaf sdhh, haha -wink. heee. insaf lha sgt haha. 

tadaaaaa.. itu kami. haha have fun together. #lol.

oh sure lha kitorg jumpe org-2 yg pelik-2 skt kan. korang pun prnh right. and bile dh jmpe tu mesti ade je smthing tkkne dgn org tu kan. mule nk judge yedok ? haha. tpi kitorg bukan judge saje saje tau. it kinda fun. you better try it. lol !

mcm ni kiteorg ternmpk sorang budak lelaki ni. OMG ! seriously die kurang protein ! haha terlampau kurus. jln bngkk. haha. and guess what ! die kenal shahir !!! die panggil shahir "sakinah". haha whatthe. and yeah nat suke usha dieee ! wuuuu ~ ape nth. but seriously if korang saw die. korang pun akn ckp bnde same. kurussss gileee. baju and seluar die lgi besar dri diee. whatt XD. 

ohho bukan die sorang je yg kitorg jmpe. tgh ckp-2 tu tetibe mata rse nk pndng keluar pulakk. OMG ! kitorg terjmpe sorang mamat ni . kinda hndsme but pendek pulakkk. and first time kiteorg jumpe die. he's alone. and after brpe minit , die lalu lgi . and guess what ! OMG he's holding his gf's hand. whatthe. seriously awkward sgt. die pendek and his gf tinggi. but i dont care bout that. the reason why its awkward is dieorg holding-2 hugging-2 in front of many people. lol whatthe ! dieorg bwh umur okayy. bru form ---- dh mngde pegang-2 seriously mereka tathu ape itu -MALU- . bitch. if bukan bwh umur pun tetap takblh right. lol klau dh gtl sgt kwin je lha. jdi mcm ape nth name die. bitch. yeah thisss ! weirdo ! seriously tkpernah jmpe bdk mcm dieorg. 

bye for now. haha remeber -forever alone- is the best seriously. like me ! -wink